So this is my first year celebrating Ramadhan with my love. I'm so happy and excited. By dway, kali ni, rezeki him agaknya to do audit at Melaka for a months. So, on his way back to KL or ke Melaka, memang lalu seremban, so betambah tambah happy nya diri ini.
I don't know how to describe my feeling now since he entered my life. Praise to Allah for having him, who have impacted me in a positive manner. Cause I know that im not the same as I was a couple years ago.
In this Ramadhan also, I realized myself. For the ones who I've hurt, I knew that I have made a big mistakes myself. I saw the hurt. And i've been working towards never repeating such things again. Someone has taught me that we grow and learn every single day of our lives. Learn from our own mistakes as well from observation and experiences. It was most valuable, even tho sorry doesn't make sense anymore.
some words of today:
"If they don't know how to value you, let them go. It is much better to lose someone who doesn't care about you compared to feeling stupid all the time for even caring in the first place."
Love need real LOVE, no coercion.